Wildlife Exclusion

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"Make preparations in advance . . . you never have trouble if you are prepared for it." -Theodore Roosevelt

Like Teddy Roosevelt, we here at Wildlife X Team of Oklahoma City believe in being prepared for anything. That means taking preventative action so that unwanted creatures don't end up where they're not supposed to be. Hiring our technicians to perform a wildlife exclusion check should be the first step you take when purchasing an older home or believe your property might already have a problem. To prevent damage or further damage to your home or business, our technicians will search out any access points that could potentially be used by animals and make sure they are inaccessible. Additionally, they might discover food or water that might draw varmints in and make sure that doesn't happen. 

If areas of concern arise, some steps to prevent them from becoming a problem include:

  • Sealing vents with screens
  • Addressing foundation holes
  • Installing chimney caps
  • Suggesting better placement or storage of food or crops

With these areas taken care of, the chances of pesky mice eating in the pantry, bats hiding in the attic, or squirrels storing food in the walls decreases tremendously. Make sure you're prepared and give the Wildlife X Team of Oklahoma City a call today. 

Contact Wildlife X Team today for wildlife exclusion help.